Vol 48, No 1 (2020)
A retrospective analysis of the efficacy and tolerability of treatment with everolimus in treatment-refractory epilepsy associated with tuberous sclerosis
Rationale: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant multisystem disorder characterized by multiple multi-organ hamartomas. Medically refractory epilepsy (MRE) occurs in up to 60% of TSC patients. The results of the EXIST-3 study have shown the efficacy of MRE treatment with an mTOR inhibitor everolimus. In the Russian Federation, the drug has been approved since 2017 for the treatment of TSC-associated MRE in patients above 2 years of age. Aim: To assess the efficacy of everolimus for treatment of medically refractory seizures associated with TSC. Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed medical files from 89 patients with TSC who had been admitted with MRE to the Department of Psychoneurology and Epileptology, Research and Clinical Institute for Pediatrics (Moscow, Russia) from November 2016 to December 2018. The patients were divided into three groups depending on their indications for everolimus: 1) 17 patients received with MRE; 2) 64 patients with MRE and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) of > 1 cm in diameter; 3) 8 patients with MRE and renal angiomyolipoma (AML) of > 3 cm in diameter. Their median age was 7.9 year (range, from 2 to 34 years). There were 45 (50.6%) male and 44 (49.4%) female patients. Their treatment lasted from 6 months to 5 years; the dose of everolimus was 8 mg/m2 . Focal seizures were more prevalent than epileptic spasms: 60 (67.4%) and 29 (32.6%) patients, respectively. Results: There were 9/17 (52.9%) responders in the MRE group, 16/64 (25%) in the MRE + SEGA group, and 4/8 (50%) in the MRE + AML group. Mild to moderate stomatitis was the most frequent side effect (40.5%). Conclusion: Everolimus is a new important agent for MRE in TSC patients. Treatment with everolimus is safe and well tolerated.

Robotic mechanotherapy: the possibility to use an exoskeleton for lower limb rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis and impaired walking function
Background: Robotic mechanotherapy is considered as a promising area of physical rehabilitation of multiple sclerosis patients, while it ensures high training efficacy. Aim: To study the effect of physical training using with the ExoAtlet exoskeleton for lower extremities the functioning of patients with multiple sclerosis. Materials and methods: This was a prospective, open, uncontrolled, single center study. The rehabilitation course with the ExoAtlet exoskeleton included 43 patients (14 male and 29 female, aged from 28 to 59 years, mean age 43,5 ± 9,12 years) with remitting multiple sclerosis in remission (RMS-R) (n = 20) and secondary progressive course (VPRS) (n = 23), with the EDSS scores from 3 to 8. One of the inclusion criteria was the presence of motor paresis of the lower extremities. Training with the ExoAtlet exoskeleton was performed 5 days a week for two weeks. The neurological deficits and functioning were assessed with the Kurtzke expanded disability status scale (EDSS), the multiple sclerosis functional composite (MSFC) test, including the assessment of walking (Timed 25 Footwalk), of upper limb functions (9-Hole PegTest, 9-HPT), and of mental functioning (Symbol Digit Modalities Test, SDMT) before and after the rehabilitation course. Cognitive functions were assessed by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scale. Results: The rehabilitation course resulted in a significant decrease of neurological deficiency by EDSS (by 0.26 score, 5%, p < 0.001). The MSFC test showed an improvement in all subtests: SDMT by 2 points, or 4.9% (p = 0.018), Timed 25-Footwalk by 3.2 seconds, or 19.6% (p < 0.001), 9-HPT for the dominant hand by 1.6 seconds, or 5% (p = 0.004), and for the non-dominant hand by 2.1 seconds, or 6.2% (p = 0.006). The improvement in the MoCA test after the rehabilitation course was 1.6 points, or 6% (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The study confirmed the positive effect of the exoskeleton in the lower extremities, such as restoration of the walking function in multiple sclerosis patients. There was a positive trend towards restoring of hand motor skills and cognitive functions.

Assessment of anxiety and pain in patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy at the early stage of rehabilitation with various rehabilitation programs after microdiscectomy
Rationale: The role of the psychogenic component in chronic pain and delayed rehabilitation in patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy (LSR) has been extensively studied. However, there is a paucity of studies evaluating anxiety and pain in LSR patients early after microdiscectomy. Only a few studies have performed a differentiated assessment of state (SA) and trait (TA) anxiety. The effects of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation (rPMS) on the TA level in the Russian LSR patients have not been investigated. Aim: To assess changes in anxiety and pain over time in LSR patients with various rehabilitation programs at the early stage after microdiscectomy. Materials and methods: The study included 71 patients with LSR after microdiscectomy (mean age 46.8 ± 10.5 years). At Day 7 after surgery, the patients were randomized into two groups. The patients in the 1st group (n = 35) received a rPMS course in addition to conventional rehabilitation, whereas the patients in the 2nd group (n = 36) were rehabilitated only conventionally. Pain was assessed by a visual analogue scale (VAS), and anxiety levels by Spielberger StateTrait Anxiety Inventory (validated Russian version). Results: There was a significant decrease of SA and TA levels in the patients of both groups at Day 21 of rehabilitation, compared to those at Day 7 (p < 0.001). At Day 21, there was a significant inter-group difference (p = 0.036) in the leg pain VAS score and the TA frequency distribution (p = 0.042, Fisher test). Conclusion: Better improvement of pain and trait anxiety in the patients treated with rPMS indicates that it would be reasonable to include an rPMS course into the comprehensive rehabilitation program after microdiscectomy.

The pro-depressive effect of levodopa in a 6-OHDA-induced hemiparkinsonism rat model
Rationale: Treatment of Parkinson's disease has been by now symptomatic. The literature on the efficacy and side effects of levodopa has been contradictory. Some authors mention an anti-depressant effect of the agent, while others believe that it is exactly levodopa that eventually induces the occurrence of depressive symptoms. Aim: To reproduce the OHDA-hemiparkinsonism rat model with subsequent assessment of both external and structural manifestations of the disorder, as well as to study the efficacy of levodopa for motor and non-motor symptoms of parkinsonism. Materials and methods: The study was performed in 52 male Wistar rats. The disease model included stereotaxic administration of neurotoxic 6-OHDA into the pars compacta of the substantia nigra. At 2 months after the administration, the animals underwent test for motor (Rotarod, cylinder, ketamine-induced rotation in the rotometer) and non-motor abnormalities (open field, social interest, conditioned escape response). Results: In 18% of the animals no hemiparkinsonism symptoms were found. 32% of rats had only motor symptoms, whereas in 50% of the animals both motor and non-motor symptoms were noted. Levodopa could partially correct the motor abnormalities, with augmentation of depressive-like behavior. Conclusion: Levodopa has shown its partial efficacy in correction of the motor symptoms caused by administration of 6-OHDA neurotoxin; however, it caused such side effects as augmentation of depressive-like behavior and anxiety.

Characteristic morphological signs of the brain damage during chronic hepatitis C virus infection identified in autopsy samples
Background: The central nervous system damage is one of the most common extra hepatic manifestations of chronic hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection, with the prevalence of up to 50% of the infected cases. Previous studies have identified the main clinical, pathogenetic and neurometabolic features of this pathology, which make it possible to suggest its definite nosological independence. However, the morphological pattern of brain lesions in chronic HCV infection remains virtually unexplored, significantly limiting the possibility of comprehensive pathological diagnosis of the disease. Aim: To study morphological patterns and to identify typical and diagnostically significant pathological signs of brain involvement in chronic HCV infection. Materials and methods: This was a retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study performed with a range of immunohistochemical (IHC) and pathomorphological techniques in the autopsy brain samples from patients who died of chronic HCV infection (40 cases) and those who died without any signs of past mental and infectious disorders (the control group, 15 cases). Results: The сharacteristic morphological signs of HCV-associated brain injury are IHC expression of the NS3 viral marker, an increase in CD68-positive microglial cell count, white brain matter microgliosis, perivascular and diffuse round cell inflammatory infiltration, degeneration and loss of neurons, neurophagy, demyelination, axonal degeneration, perivascular sclerosis, fibrous cell gliosis, small perivascular hemorrhages, focal hemosiderosis and calcification. The parameters of the identified abnormalities differ significantly depending on the brain region (p < 0.001). The identification of the HCV NS3 marker in the nervous tissue has the definitive diagnostic value. Conclusion: The body of histopathological abnormalities found in various parts of the brain from the infected patients represents the morphological equivalent of the clinical and functional manifestations of HCV-associated cerebral dysfunction. The results obtained can be used to improve the pathological diagnostics of brain lesions in chronic HCV infection; their implementation is feasible in routine pathological practice.

The relationship of sleep mechanisms and epileptogenesis

Clinical heterogeneity of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: diagnostic challenges

To solve the problem of driving a car in epilepsy: by liberalization or by tightening the license?