Articles in press

Common pathogenetic mechanisms of inflammatory bowel diseases and atherosclerosis: a focus on cytokines

Zhigula Z.M., Zhilina A.A., Lareva N.V.
Almanac of Clinical Medicine.

Worsening of the skin diseases’ severity during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is confirmed irrespective of the leading immune response pattern

Monaenkova M.K., Abalukhova E.D., Zlobin D.Е., Molochkov A.V., Gureeva М.А., Karzanov O.V., Molochkova Y.V.
Almanac of Clinical Medicine.

The successful treatment of refractory Crohn's disease by high-dose immunosuppressive therapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a clinical case

Ganich E.G., Shchukina O.B., Polushin A.Y., Zalyalov Y.R., Tsynchenko A.A., Kamanin A.A., Kulikov A.N., Kulagin A.D., Bagnenko S.F.
Almanac of Clinical Medicine.

Serum levels of the soluble transmembrane adhesion molecule P-cadherin in healthy women and in patients with malignant and benign ovarian tumors

Kushlinskii N.E., Kovaleva O.V., Gratchev A.N., Kulikova S.E., Gugnin F.A., Nezhdanova S.Y., Tsekatunov D.A., Ryzhavskaya I.B., Kushlinskiy D.N., Zybina N.N., Gershtein E.S., Stilidi I.S.
Almanac of Clinical Medicine.

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