Vol 44, No 7 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://almclinmed.ru/jour/issue/view/23
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18786/2072-0505-2017-0-3
Full Issue
The role of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and occlusal disorders in the pathophysiology of somatogenic cochlear and vestibular syndrome
Rationale: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction and occlusion abnormalities can cause cochlear and vestibular disorders. This issue is at the crossroads of several disciplines: otoneurology, physiotherapy, dentistry, medical rehabilitation and posturology, which often makes it difficult to timely diagnose them and delays the onset of treatment. Aim: To assess the role of abnormal dental occlusion and TMJ disorders in the pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of cochleovestibular syndrome. Materials and methods: We examined 300 subjects with clinical signs of cochleovestibular syndrome, asymmetry of occlusion and/or TMJ dysfunction (the main group), 55 patients with signs of TMJ structural and functional disorders and occlusal disorders without a cochleovestibular syndrome (the reference group), and 35 healthy volunteers (the control group). All patients were examined by a neurologist, an ENT specialist, a dentist and a physiotherapist. A series of additional investigations of the brachiocephalic vessels, cervical spine, TMJ, auditory and vestibular function, premature tooth contacts were performed. Results: The main group patients had high values of TMJ dysfunction in the Hamburg test (5.85 vs 2.2 in the reference group) and higher proportions of patients with moderate and severe TMJ dysfunction (n = 243, 81% and n = 13, 23.7%, respectively). The functional muscle test parameters and the results of manual muscle testing in the main group patients were significantly different from those in the control group (р < 0.05), whereas most values obtained in the reference group did not differ significantly (р > 0.05). Patients with cochleoves-tibular syndrome had 2 to 3-fold higher rates of vertebrogenic dysfunctions than those from the reference group. The video nystamography technique detected the positional cervical nystagmus in 100% (n = 300) of patients from the main group, whereas there were no nystagmus in those from the reference group. Voluntary dental occlusion in the main group patients was associated with a deterioration of postural tests in 61.8% (n = 185) of patients; in the reference group patients these parameters deteriorated in 38.2% (n = 21) of cases. According to T-SCAN assessment, 300 (100%) patients from the main group had in imbalance of total distribution of the occlusion force (р < 0.05 compared to the control group). The biggest number of patients from the main group (73.7%, n = 221) had an imbalance of occlusion force within 20 to 40%, and in most patients from the reference group this parameter was in the range of 10 to 30% (85.5%, n = 47), with 14.5% (n = 8) of this group having a normal balance of the occlusion force. Cerebrovascular reactivity parameters measured by ultrasound Doppler technique demonstrated a moderately significant (р < 0.05) strain of the cerebral hemodynamic reserve in the posterior arterial system in patients with cochleovestibular syndrome. Conclusion: Cochleovestibular disorders can be caused by a dysfunction of the dentoman-dibular system and/or cervical / masticatory myofascial syndrome. After exclusion of any otogenic pathology in patients with cochleovestibular syndrome, their neurological examination should include a visual assessment of the occlusion and mandibular movements, as well as testing of the cervical and masticatory muscles. If any abnormalities of occlusion and/or TMJ and local muscle dysfunction are revealed, then a dentist and a physiotherapist consultation should be performed.

Endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses and skull base neoplasms with the use of the computerassisted navigation system (CANS) in pediatric practice
Background: In the last 10 years, the use of computer-assisted navigation systems (CANS) in endo-nasal endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses and skull base in adults has been well studied. In pediatric practice, isolated cases of the use of this method have been described, with most of patients suffering from various types of sinusitis. Aim: To improve efficacy of the transnasal surgery for sinonasal, nasopharyngeal and skull base neoplasms in pediatric patients. Materials and methods: 77 patients aged from 22 days to 18 years with various nasal, nasopharyngeal, paranasal and skull base neoplasms were divided into two groups depending on the surgical technique. The main group included 40 patients in whom CANS guided surgery was used and the control group comprised 37 patients operated without CANS. Each group was divided into two subgroups based upon the complexity of the intervention (in subgroup 1, it was a biopsy and in subgroup 2, tumor excision). Results: There were no significant differences between 1st subgroups of both groups in the intervention duration, intra-operative blood loss, number of post-operative days in the hospital. Compared to the patients from the subgroup 2 of the control group, in those from the subgroup 2 of the main group the duration of intervention decreased by 60 minutes (p = 0.038, Mann-Whitney U-test), intra-operative blood loss decreased by half (p = 0.044, Mann-Whitney U-test), duration of hospital stay, by 2 days (p = 0.02, Student's t-test). The rates of radical excision was higher in the main group (p = 0.02, Fischer's exact test). Conclusion: The use of CANS in endonasal surgery allows for reduction of the intervention time and anesthesia duration, minimizes blood loss, is associated with earlier post-operative rehabilitation of children.

Management and surgical outcomes in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media
Background: Reconstruction of the ossicular chain is performed in 70-90% of tympanoplastic interventions. A cholesteatoma in chronic suppurative otitis media is diagnosed in 24-63% cases, irrespective of localization of the eardrum perforation. Persistently good outcomes after radical mastoidectomy is obtained only in 65 to 66% of patients, and the proportion of unsatisfactory results remains to be rather high (10 to 15%). Aim: To analyze the effectiveness of surgical treatment of patients with chronic suppurative otitis media, operated in a single clinical center from 2014 to 2016. Materials and methods: A total of 212 patients (233 ears) with chronic suppurative otitis media patients, who underwent surgery, were included in this study. The effectiveness of surgical interventions were assessed as short-term (up to 3 months post-operatively) and long-term (6 to 12 months) anatomical and functional outcomes. The anatomical results were considered satisfactory if there was a well-formed mobile neotympanic membrane, air tympanic cavity and dry postoperative cavity. Pure tone audiograms were analyzed to evaluate the functional results. Results: Satisfactory anatomical results were obtained in 93.5% of patients with the safe type suppurative otitis, 88.9% of patients with the unsafe type and 91.2% of patients after a revision surgery. Displacement of total ossicular prosthe-ses was the main cause of poor functional results. The most common causes of unsatisfactory anatomical results were perforation (14 cases), cholesteatoma recurrence (2 cases) and lateralization of the neotympanic membrane (2 cases). Discussion and conclusion: Formation of a reliable sound conducting system with ossicular prostheses allows for persistent improvement of hearing. Various surgical techniques, such as extended posterior tympanotomy, endoscopic assistance, provide a good effect with the removal of non-aggressive cholesteatoma while preserving the bone structures, which are not involved in the disease. A complete removal of an advanced aggressive cholesteatoma with the opening of the temporal bone cell system ensures good functional and anatomical outcomes, makes it possible to prevent the spread of the pathological process and development of intracranial complications.

Difficult cases of cochlear implantation
Background: In the recent years, there is a tendency to extend the indications to cochlear implantation in patients with inner and middle ear malformations, cochlea ossificans and Meniere's disease. In otosurgical practice, the cases are not uncommon when cochlear implantation is difficult after previous canal wall down mastoidectomy due to chronic suppurative otitis media. Aim: To improve postoperative auditory performance of patients with profound sensorineural hearing loss (deafness), complicated by the inner or middle ear disorders, through the optimization of cochlear implantation surgical technique. Materials and methods: We analyzed 42 patients with profound sensorineural hearing loss who underwent cochlear implantation, 12 of them having cochlea ossification after meningitis (group 1), 19, with inner ear malformations (group 2), 9, had underwent canal wall down mastoidectomy (group 3) and 2, with Meniere's disease (group 4). Surgical techniques varied depending on the type of disorder. In all patients, implant telemetry and evoked stapes reflex registration (if stapedium muscle was present) were performed. Postoperatively the mastoid cavity was controlled by otomicroscopy. Results: Stapes reflex were obtained in 8 patients from group 1. Number of from group 3 in whom of the proposed cochlear implantation technique was used, no long-term relapses of chronic suppurative otitis media were observed, the mastoid cavity could be visualized very well and graft survival was excellent. No cases of electrode array extrusion or protrusion were registered. Patients with Meniere's disease and bilateral sensorineural hearing loss who underwent simultaneous operations (endolymphatic sac drainage and cochlear implantation) showed satisfactory results of audioverbal rehabilitation and a marked reduction of vestibular symptoms. Conclusion: Surgical techniques proposed in this study allow for insertion of maximal electrode numbers into the spiral canal of a malformed and ossified cochlea. Formation of bone tunnels for the active electrode in the burred cavity and its covering with autocartilage helps to prevent any protrusion and displacement of the electrode in patients who had previously underwent canal wall down mastoidectomy. Simultaneous cochlear implantation and endolymphatic sac drainage is also considered to be an adequate approach to treatment of patients with late stage Meniere's disease with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss.

Obstructive sleep apnea: the state of cerebral hemodynamic reserve
Background: Individuals with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) have an increased risk of disabling disorders of the cardiovascular system, including stroke. The mechanisms of OSAS effects on cerebral blood flow and cerebral vascular autoregulation have not been clear enough. Aim: To study characteristics of cerebral blood flow in patients with OSAS and the effect of CPAP therapy on cerebral hemodynamic reserve. Materials and methods: One hundred and two patients with various OSAS severity (61 male and 41 female) and 20 healthy volunteers participated in the study. We performed ultrasound assessment of cerebral blood flow with functional tests and calculated reactivity indices. Results: With more severe OSAS, no significant differences in cerebral vascular reactivity compared to the control group were registered. However, there was a trend to some decrease in the index of constriction and dilation in the vertebral arteries and the basilar artery, as well as to its increase in the middle cerebral artery in severe and moderate OSAS. The index of vasomotor reactivity of cerebral arteries was significantly (р < 0.05) lower in patients with severe OSAS: for vertebral arteries, up to 38.9 ± 8.5 and for basilar artery, up to 36.8 ± 15.7, compared to the control group (52.1 ± 9.8 and 50.1 ± 11.2, respectively). In patients who initiated CPAP therapy, there were no changes in velosity, resistance and reactivity parameters of cerebral vessels after 2 months. Conclusion: We were able to confirm a significant impairment of cerebral vascular autoregulation in patients with severe OSAS, predominantly in the posterior circulatory region. CPAP-therapy of 2 months' duration did not lead to restoration of cerebral hemodynamic reserve.

Fusion of computed tomography and diffusionweighted magnetic resonance images for detection of primary, residual and recurrent cholesteatoma of the middle ear
Background: At present, computed tomography (CT) is recognized as method for primary diagnosis of middle ear disorders. More accurate diagnosis of cholesteatoma is based on a sequence of non-echo planar diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. The choice of the type of surgery depends on cholesteatoma size and location. Aim: To assess the possibility of fusion of CT and magnetic resonance images (MRI) to determine the precise location of the middle ear cholesteatoma. Materials and methods: The CT and diffusion-weighted (DW) images of 24 patients with chronic suppurative otitis media, including 12 with newly diagnosed and 12 with relapsing cholesteatoma were fused. The patients underwent the standard CT and MRI, including DW-MRI. CT and DW-MRI images were fused with determination of exact size and location of cholesteatoma in the middle ear cavity. Results: The exact location and size of the cholesteatoma were identified. The study results were compared with intraoperative data. The use of fused CT and DW images had the sensitivity in determination of cholesteatoma location and size of 96%, specificity of 100%, positive predictive value of 100%, and negative of 96%, which all were higher than the corresponding values for CT and MRI assessments. Conclusion: Fusion of CT and DW-MRI allows for determination of the precise localization of cholesteatoma, partial exclusion of false-positive results correlate and for comparison of the lesion with important bone landmarks. The method may be useful for the surgeon both in planning of primary surgery, as well as for repeated revision of the postoperative cavity.

Structures of non-cellular tissues of the body and their importance in otorhinolaryngology
We present the results of our studies in various pathological conditions in otorhinolaryngology performed with a diagnostic technology of functional morphology of non-cellular tissue structures (mouth fluid, surgical wound exudation, blood serum, and others). With the use of methods of cuniform and marginal dehydration of biological fluids, the possibility of developing essentially novel criteria was shown, such as:
• prediction of complicated course of post-operative wound healing in subjects with a lamellar morphotype in the wound exudation resulting from cholesterol residues due to massive cell death;
• prediction of a polypous rhinosinusitis relapse in subjects with an increase in the proliferation marker, anisotropic parallels lines in the dehydrated serum obtained from the blood taken from the inferior nasal turbinate;
• diagnostics of the middle ear cholesteatoma in children by combination of cuniform and marginal dehydration of the mouth fluid. The singularity of the technique is based on triple sampling of the fluid: first sample was taken immediately after awakening, the second one, after a few minutes of active swallowing movements and the third one, after trans-tympanicair pumping. Detection of the structural signs of congestive effusion and the lamellar morphotype as a destruction marker in the third sample suggested the presence of cholesteatoma;
• assessment of treatment efficacy in patients with chronic tonsillitis and of the indications to tonsillectomy in patients with persisting pathological characteristics of the exudation from the palatal tonsil lacunes throughout the whole course of conservative treatment;
• determination of the grade of activity / absence of activity of laryngeal cancer by identification of a basic spherolith with various degrees of anisotropy, abnormally aggregated with a granular microspherolith;
• detection of the signs of progression in laryngeal cancer by the presence of wave-shaped structures in the microspherolith during radiation therapy.

Diagnosis and treatment of combat injuries of the ear
The authors discuss specifics of the wound process in modern combat injury of the ear, significance and specifics of diagnosis of gunshot ear injury related to individual characteristics of gunshot wounds with consideration of the accepted anatomical classification of the injured zones. Typical complications of ear injuries are described that can result in death. The authors analyze an approach to surgical treatment of traumatic ear injuries based on their own experience, including non-conventional choice of the type of surgery. They proposed an algorithm to assess the auditory and vestibular analyzers in the injured based on their analysis of date obtained from 772 patients, determine types of pure-tone audiograms typical for acoustic and barotrauma, and underline the informative value of optokinetic nystagmus assessment. Various types of conservative management of the sequelae of the mine-blast ear trauma are discussed aimed at potential minimization of the post-traumatic reactions of the auditory and vestibular analyzers. The authors draw attention to the importance of early treatment, the highest effectiveness of combination therapy and plasmapheresis. They propose their experience of care for the above mentioned traumatic injuries to improve treatment efficacy.

The role of innate immunity in the development of chronic rhinosinusitis and perspectives of its conservative management