- Authors: Rozanov I.D.1, Semashkova A.E.1, Balkanov A.S.1, Terpigorev S.A.1, Stepanova E.A.1
- Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
- Issue: No 41 (2015)
- Pages: 97-102
- URL: https://almclinmed.ru/jour/article/view/84
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18786/2072-0505-2015-41-97-102
- ID: 84
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About the authors
I. D. Rozanov
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
Author for correspondence.
Email: andreybalkanov@yandex.ru
Rozanov Ivan Dmitrievich – Doctor, Department of Radiology Россия
A. E. Semashkova
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
Email: andreybalkanov@yandex.ru
Semashkova Anna Evgen'evna – Junior Research Fellow, Internal Disease Department No. 1 Россия
A. S. Balkanov
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
Email: andreybalkanov@yandex.ru
Balkanov Andrey Sergeevich – MD, PhD, Head of Department of Radiology Россия
S. A. Terpigorev
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
Email: andreybalkanov@yandex.ru
Terpigorev Stanislav Anatol'evich – MD, PhD, Head of Department of Occupational Diseases and Medi cal and Labour Expertise Россия
E. A. Stepanova
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
Email: andreybalkanov@yandex.ru
Stepanova Elena Aleksandrovna – PhD, Roentgenologist, Department of X-ray Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Assistant Lecturer, Chair of Diagnostic Radiology, Postgraduate Training Faculty Россия
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