Assessment of the functional activity of platelets in chronic kidney disease stage 5D
- Authors: Zelenin K.N.1, Esayan A.M.2, Rumyantsev A.S.2,3
- First City Clinical Hospital named after E.E. Volosevich
- Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
- Saint Petersburg University
- Issue: Vol 45, No 7 (2017)
- Pages: 547-552
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 640
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Rationale: Thromboembolic complications in patients on hemodialysis have a significant impact on the duration and quality of life. Aim: To study the functional status of platelets in chronic kidney disease stage 5D (CKD-5D). Materials and methods: We examined 61 patients with CKD-5D. The duration of renal replacement therapy was 133 (74 to 177) months. The functional activity of platelets was evaluated in the adenosine diphosphate and adrenaline tests. Results: The functional activity of platelets in the adenosine diphosphate test was reduced in 35 (57.4%) of patients and unchanged in 26 (42.6%) patients. The functional activity of platelets in the adrenaline test was reduced in 38 (62.3%), normal in 8 (13.1%) and increased in 15 (24.6%) patients. Conclusion: In our study, only the adrenaline test was able to identify hyperactivity of platelets. We believe therefore, that the test with adrenaline is preferred for the study of the functional activity of platelets in CKD-5D.
About the authors
K. N. Zelenin
First City Clinical Hospital named after E.E. Volosevich
MD, Head of Hemodialysis Unit
1 Suvorova ul., Arkhangelsk, 163001
РоссияA. M. Esayan
Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
MD, PhD, Professor, Chief of the Chair of Nephrology and Dialysis
6–8 L'va Tolstogo ul., Saint Petersburg, 197022
РоссияA. Sh. Rumyantsev
Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University; Saint Petersburg University
Author for correspondence.
MD, PhD, Professor, Chair of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases, Chair of Faculty Therapy
8a 21-ya liniya Vasil'evskogo ostrova, Saint Petersburg, 199106
Tel.: +7 (812) 326 03 26
6–8 L'va Tolstogo ul., 197022
7–9 Universitetskaya naberezhnaya, Saint Petersburg, 199034
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