- Authors: Belyakova S.V.1, Belousova E.A.2
- Orekhovo-Zuevo Central City Hospital, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moskovskaya oblast'
- Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
- Issue: No 40 (2015)
- Pages: 64-71
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL: https://almclinmed.ru/jour/article/view/98
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18786/2072-0505-2015-40-64-71
- ID: 98
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Rationale: Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by progression with gradual insufficiency of pancreas and can be associated with complications. Various clinical signs and symptoms of the disease may affect patient's quality of life.
Aim: To assess quality of life in various groups of patients with chronic pancreatitis, living in the Moscow Region, who have uncomplicated and complicated course of the disease, depending on their compliance level, compared to that in patients regularly seen by doctors of other specialities.
Materials and methods: One hundred patients with chronic pancreatitis living in the Moscow Region completed the Medical Outcomes Study – Short Form (MOS SF-36) questionnaire.
Results: In chronic pancreatitis patients, there was a clear decrease in quality of life parameters on all subscales. It was found that the presence of any complications did not contribute to deterioration of quality of life, with no significant difference in quality of life parameters in any subscale (р > 0.05). Quality of life was better in the patients who were fully adherent to their treatment (n = 28). In non-compliant patients (n = 72), there was a significant decrease (р < 0,05) of the following quality of life parameters: physical role functioning (29 points), emotional role functioning (45 points), as well as general health (32 points), pain intensity (44 points) and social functioning (51 point). Patients who were regularly seen by a gastroenterologist, had better quality of life (р < 0.05), compared to those seen by an internist, on the following subscales: physical role functioning (56 and 29 points, respectively), pain (60 and 45), general health (46 and 31), vitality (48 and 32), social functioning (69 and 52), emotional functioning (75 and 46). In patients who had not been regularly seen by any doctor, there was a statistically significant decrease in quality of life (р < 0.05) on the same subscales (0, 24, 17, 22, 35, 17 points, respectively).
Conclusion: To improve quality of life in patients with chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to increase the level of doctor's knowledge in pancreatology, to improve patient adherence to treatment, to ensure regular visit to doctors, as well as to establish the continuity of treatment from an in-patient to an out-patient unit.
About the authors
S. V. Belyakova
Orekhovo-Zuevo Central City Hospital, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moskovskaya oblast'
Author for correspondence.
Email: sve79@yandex.ru
Belyakova Svetlana Valentinovna – Gastroenterologist Россия
E. A. Belousova
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
Email: sve79@yandex.ru
Belousova Elena Aleksandrovna – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Россия
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