- Authors: Shteiner M.L.1
- Samara State Medical University Samara City Hospital No.4
- Issue: No 31 (2014)
- Pages: 52-55
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 62
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Background: The etiology of tracheobronchial tree subepithelial pigment spots, detected by endoscopic examination, has not been yet finally established. Some authors attribute them to an active tuberculous process or its outcome; other researchers suggest their association with the professional pathology. Aim: To study the detection rate and etiology of tracheobronchial tree subepithelial pigmented spots within the unspecialized bronchoscopic examination. Materials and methods: A total of 3404 primary therapeutic and diagnostic bronchoscopic data were analyzed. The examinations were conducted using bronchoscopes ВF-1T60 and MAF-TM (Olympus, Japan). Endobronchial photos were performed using a bronchoscope MAF-TM. Results: During the study, the subepithelial pigment spots were detected in 20 (0.59%) cases. In none of these cases, an active tuberculous process or professional pathology was confirmed. Fistulas in projection of subepithelial pigmented spots were found in 3 cases. Conclusions: Detection rate of subepithelial pigmented spots during the non-specialized bronchoscopic procedure is low, less than 1% (0.59% in our study). Clinical, laboratory, instrumental, and anamnestic analyses allowed us to associate the studied pathology with the previous tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
About the authors
M. L. Shteiner
Samara State Medical UniversitySamara City Hospital No.4
Author for correspondence.
MD, PhD, physician-endoscopist, Samara City Hospital No.4; Assistant of the Course of Endoscopy, the Chair of Surgery, Institute of Postgraduate Training, Samara SMU Россия
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