- Authors: Trofimov N.A.1, Medvedev A.P.2, Babokin V.E.3, Demarin O.I.2, Zhamlikhanov N.K.4, Dragunov A.G.1, Gartfelder M.V.1, Nikolaeva O.V.1, Dragunova M.V.1
- Republican Cardiology Dispensary
- Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
- Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)
- Municipal Pediatric Hospital No. 4
- Issue: No 38 (2015)
- Pages: 74-80
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 281
Cite item
Full Text
Aim: To examine results of surgical intervention in cardiac surgery patients with atrial fibrillation after a loading pre-operative dose of amiodarone.
Material and methods: The study included 49 cardiac patients with atrial fibrillation who underwent a surgery during a 14 months’ period in 2013–2014. Group 1 (n = 23) received preoperative amiodarone saturation at a dose 0.6–1.0 g daily with a maintenance dose 0.4 g daily in early postoperative period and at a dose 0.2 g daily up to 6 months after surgery. Group 2 (control, n = 26) was on a postoperative maintenance dose of amiodarone 0.6–1.0 g daily.
Results: Stable sinus rhythm after left atrial Maze IV procedure was established in 44/49 of patients (90%). Atrial fibrillation relapsed in 1 patient from group 1 and in 4 patients from group 2. All 5 patients with recurrence of persistent atrial fibrillation had a long-term persistent arrhythmic history of more than 3 years, and echocardiography revealed left atrial dilatation of more than 6 cm.
Conclusion: The use of saturating doses of amiodarone before surgery improves outcomes of left atrial Maze IV procedure (up to 95%), compared to those in the control group where amiodarone was used postoperatively (up to 85%).
About the authors
N. A. Trofimov
Republican Cardiology Dispensary
Author for correspondence.
Cardiovascular Surgeon
РоссияA. P. Medvedev
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Chair of Hospital Surgery named after B.A. Korolyov
РоссияV. E. Babokin
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)
PhD, Head of Department of Cardiac Surgery
РоссияO. I. Demarin
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
Cardiovascular Surgeon Россия
N. Kh. Zhamlikhanov
Municipal Pediatric Hospital No. 4
MD, PhD, Professor, Chief Physician
РоссияA. G. Dragunov
Republican Cardiology Dispensary
PhD, Head of Department of Cardiac Surgery No. 2
РоссияM. V. Gartfelder
Republican Cardiology Dispensary
Cardiovascular Surgeon
РоссияO. V. Nikolaeva
Republican Cardiology Dispensary
Cardiologist Россия
M. V. Dragunova
Republican Cardiology Dispensary
Cardiologist Россия
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