Database of patients with sarcoidosis of the Republic of Tatarstan: a retrospective analysis for 50 years
- Authors: Vizel A.A.1, Shakirova G.R.1,2, Vizel I.Y.1,3, Kudryavtseva E.Z.4, Burchagina A.S.4, Vorobyova N.B.5, Gizatullina E.D.1, Igonina O.A.6, Rakhimzyanov A.R.1,7, Filatova M.S.8,9, Tsyplenkova R.R.9, Shaimuratov R.I.1
- Kazan State Medical University
- Republican Clinical Hospital
- Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis
- City Clinical Hospital No. 16
- Family clinic Tanar
- Medical Association Salvation
- Kazan Federal University
- Kazan State Medical Academy - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education
- All Republic Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary
- Issue: Vol 48, No 5 (2020)
- Pages: 291-298
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1398
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Background: Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous disease with no established etiology. The prevalence of sarcoidosis is growing, there are changes in the clinic of the disease depending on geolocation and the environment.
Aim: To analyze the database (register) of sarcoidosis patients registered with this disease in the Republic of Tatarstan.
Materials and methods: In Tatarstan, an electronic database of 2715 patients with sarcoidosis has been created, collected over the past 50 years. The frequencies of the phenomena were estimated, and the ChI-square Pearson criterion was calculated to assess the relationship of events and their reliability.
Results: There were 69.2% of women and 30.8% of men. The average age was 44.2 years (15 to 87 years, median 44 years). Men were younger (median 36 years old) than women (median 48 years old). Most often, there was stage II (47.8%) and stage I (40.8%). Lofgren's syndrome was in 13% of patients. 42% had biopsy data, over three decades its frequency increased -21.9%, 34.8% and 49.0%, respectively. After 2010, there was an increase in stage II sarcoidosis, over the past 20 years, the proportion of women has decreased and the proportion of men has grown. Adverse factors of the profession orthe environment were in every third patient. The frequency of prescribing prednisone decreased from 2013 to 2019 from 23.1% to 9.1%, and pentoxifylline increased from 14.9% in 2011 to 58% in 2019. Every third patient received vitamin E.
Conclusion: About 100 new patients were identified annually. An increase in the II radiation stage of sarcoidosis was noted. A biopsy was performed only on every second patient. The treatment was consistent with the international approach - to use prednisone and cytostatics only with the progression of the process.
About the authors
A. A. Vizel
Kazan State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5028-5276
Alexander A. Vizel - MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Chair of Phthisiopulmonology.
49 Butlerova ul., Kazan, 420012, Tel.: +7 (987) 296 25 99
РоссияG. R. Shakirova
Kazan State Medical University; Republican Clinical Hospital
Gulnaz R. Shakirova - MD, PhD, Assistant, Chair of Phthisiopulmonology Kazan SMU; Pulmonologist, Department of Pulmonology. Republican Clinical Hospital.
49 Butlerova ul., Kazan, 420012; 138 Orenburgskiy trakt, Kazan, 420064; Tel.: +7 (917) 884 30 39
РоссияI. Yu. Vizel
Kazan State Medical University; Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis
Irina Yu. Vizel - MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Chair of Phthisiopulmonology Kazan SMU; Research Fellow CRIT.
49 Butlerova ul., Kazan, 420012; 2 Yauzskaya alleya, Moscow, 107564; Tel.: +7 (917) 903 91 13
РоссияE. Z. Kudryavtseva
City Clinical Hospital No. 16
Elvira Z. Kydryavtseva - Head of Department of Pulmonology.
121 Gagarina ul., Kazan, 420039; Tel.: +7 (917) 269 68 88
РоссияA. S. Burchagina
City Clinical Hospital No. 16
Alina S. Burchagina - Pulmonologist, Department of Pulmonology.
121 Gagarina ul., Kazan, 420039; Tel.: +7 (919) 624 28 65
РоссияN. B. Vorobyova
Family clinic Tanar
Natalya B. Vorobyova – Pulmonologist.
3A Yunykh Lenintsev bul'var, Naberezhnye Chelny, 423827; Tel.: +7 (917) 294 73 15
РоссияE. D. Gizatullina
Kazan State Medical University
Elvira D. Gizatullina - MD, PhD, Assistant, Chair of Phthisiopulmonology.
49 Butlerova ul., Kazan, 420012
РоссияO. A. Igonina
Medical Association Salvation
Olga A. Igonina – Pulmonologist.
47/113 N. Nazarbaeva ul., Kazan, 420059; Tel.: +7 (960) 041 00 69
РоссияA. R. Rakhimzyanov
Kazan State Medical University; Kazan Federal University
Alfrit R. Rakhimzyanov - Assistant, Chair of Hygiene and Occupational Medicine Kazan SMU; Senior Teacher, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology Kazan FU.
49 Butlerova ul., Kazan, 420012; 18 Kremlevskaya ul., Kazan, 420008; Tel.: +7 (843) 571 12 97
РоссияM. S. Filatova
Kazan State Medical Academy - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; All Republic Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary
Maria S. Filatova - MD, PhD, Assistant, Chair of Phthisiology and Pulmonology Kazan SMA - Branch Campus RMACPE; Head of Department of Differential Diagnosis All RCTD.
11 Mushtari ul., Kazan, 420012; 1 Pribol'nichnaya ul., Derbyshki poselok, Kazan, 420075; Tel.: +7 (965) 602 07 15
РоссияR. R. Tsyplenkova
All Republic Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary
Regina R. Tsyplenkova - Physician, Department of Differential Diagnosis.
1 Pribol'nichnaya ul., Derbyshki poselok, Kazan, 420075; Tel.: +7 (903) 062 58 39 РоссияR. I. Shaimuratov
Kazan State Medical University
Rustem I. Shaimuratov - MD, PhD, Assistant, Chair of Phthisiopulmonology.
49 Butlerova ul., Kazan, 420012; Tel.: +7 (917) 900 55 10
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