- Authors: Evstigneeva L.P.1,2
- Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital No.1
- 185 Volgogradskaya ul., Yekaterinburg, 620102, Russian Federation
- Issue: No 32 (2014)
- Pages: 73-79
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 138
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Physical activity and exercises play an important role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Clinical studies demonstrated the effectiveness of exercises manifesting themselves in small increase of bone mineral density and reduction of the risk of falls. In patients with vertebral fractures, the exercises improve the quality of life, posture, and mobility. The exercise effect depends on the type of exercises and on the study population. For patients with osteoporosis, it is reasonable to combine aerobic exercises with resistance training and exercises aimed at training of balance. In order to avoid adverse events, exercises should be started gradually. Patients with vertebral fractures may additionally undergo orthoses and physiotherapy.
About the authors
L. P. Evstigneeva
Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital No.1; 185 Volgogradskaya ul., Yekaterinburg, 620102, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
PhD, Executive of Rheumatology Department, Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital No.1 Россия
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