- Authors: Sharipova G.K.1, Saidova M.A.1, Zhernakova Y.V.1, Chazova I.E.1
- Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex, Moscow
- Issue: 2015: Supplement 1
- Pages: 102-110
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 89
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Aim: To evaluate structural and functional heart abnormalities in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) with and without metabolic syndrome.
Materials and methods: The study included 303 patients with AH I, II and III, aged from 25 to 70 years (mean±SD 52±18 years). All patients were categorized into 3 groups according to severity of AH (AH I, II and III corresponded to groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively). Within each group, patients were subdivided into 2 subgroups: without metabolic syndrome (n=151) and with metabolic syndrome (n=152). Assessments included measurements of blood glucose and lipids, 24-hour monitoring of blood pressure, echocardiography with calculation of myocardial mass index of left ventricle and the use of conventional and tissue myocardial dopplerography.
Results: Already at early stage of AH (gr. I), 60% patients with metabolic syndrome and 32% patients without metabolic abnormalities had some degree of left ventricular remodeling, including concentric type of remodeling in 12 and 20%, excentric hypertrophy in 18 and 6%, concentric left ventricular hypertrophy in 30 and 6%, respectively. In AH I, an increase of myocardial mass index of left ventricle was found in 39% of patients with metabolic syndrome and in 12% patients without it. In patients with AH I, abnormalities of left ventricular diastolic function according to the results of tissue myocardial dopplerography was seen in 82% of patients with metabolic syndrome and in 42% of patients without metabolic syndrome. Patients with AH I–III and metabolic syndrome had almost 5-fold higher probability of heart abnormalities than AH patients without metabolic disturbances (odds ratio 4.8, 95% confidence interval 1.9–6.4, p< 50 and>50 years).
Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome contributes to heart abnormalities irrespective of gender, age and AH grade.
About the authors
G. Kh. Sharipova
Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
Sharipova Gulandom Kholmuradovna – MD, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Coordination and Monitoring of Research Programs
* 15а 3-ya Cherepkovskaya ul., Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation. Tel.: +7 (926) 345 16 75. E-mail:
РоссияM. A. Saidova
Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex, Moscow
Saidova Marina Abdulatipovna – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Laboratory of Ultrasound Investigations of the Department of New Methods of Investigations, Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after A.L. Myasnikov Россия
Yu. V. Zhernakova
Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex, Moscow
Zhernakova Yuliya Valer'evna – MD, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Coordination and Monitoring of Research Programs
* 15а 3-ya Cherepkovskaya ul., Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation. Tel.: +7 (905) 745 71 12. E-mail:
РоссияI. E. Chazova
Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex, Moscow
Chazova Irina Evgen'evna – MD, PhD, Professor, Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after A.L. Myasnikov Россия
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