Intensive care of children who require interhospital transport (a clinical guideline draft)
- Authors: Shmakov A.N.1, Aleksandrovich Y.S.2, Pshenisnov K.V.2, Zabolotskiy D.V.2,3, Razumov S.A.4
- Novosibirsk State Medical University
- St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
- The Turner Scientific Research Institute For Children's Orthopedics
- Astana Medical University
- Issue: Vol 46, No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 94-108
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 788
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The article presents a draft of clinical guidelines for intensive care of children, who require interhospital transport; it was elaborated with consideration of territorial characteristics of the Russian Federation. Legal aspects of organization of interhospital transport service and possible side effects of transportation are considered in detail. General description and the main advantages and disadvantages of the air transport and ground ambulance transport are presented. A system for transport risk assessment is proposed, based on ranks that correspond to the duration of safe transport time. Original scales to assess the transportation risk based on the necessity of emergency rehydration, inotropic, vasopressor and respiratory support are presented. Special attention is focused on the preparation of critically ill children to interhospital transport, with detailed protocol for intensive care, monitoring and caring activities while transporting. The goal parameters for patient stabilization in the next six hours after transport are described. The use of proposed key principles of safe transport would significantly improve the quality of medical care for children, who require transportation to specialized units.
About the authors
A. N. Shmakov
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Aleksey N. Shmakov – MD, PhD, Professor, Chair of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, Medical Department.
52 Krasnyy prospekt, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaya oblast', 630091
РоссияYu. S. Aleksandrovich
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
Yuriy S. Aleksandrovich – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Chair of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Emergency Pediatrics, Faculty of Qualification Improvement.
2 Litovskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 194100
РоссияK. V. Pshenisnov
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Konstantin V. Pshenisnov – MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Chair of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Emergency Pediatrics, Faculty of Qualification Improvement.
2 Litovskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 194100, tel.: +7 (911) 265 82 00
РоссияD. V. Zabolotskiy
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University; The Turner Scientific Research Institute For Children's Orthopedics
Dmitriy V. Zabolotskiy – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Chair of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Emergency Pediatrics St. PSP MU; Senior Research Fellow The Turner Scientific RIFChO.
2 Litovskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 194100; 64–68 Parkovaya ul., Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, 196603
РоссияS. A. Razumov
Astana Medical University
Sergey A. Razumov – MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Chair of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology.
49А Beibitshilik str., Astana, 010000 КазахстанReferences
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