Anterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), also known as internal derangement, is common in both children and adults [1, 2]. It can result in clicking, joint pain, a limited mouth opening, masticatory difficulties, and degenerative changes of the condyle. Moreover, TMJ disorders or pathology and dentofacial deformities commonly coexist, and now many oral surgeons and orthodontists have associated anterior disc displacement with facial growth restrictions and development of jaw deformities [3–11]. Surgically induced disc displacement in rabbits has shown that unilateral anterior disc displacement led to mandibular asymmetry, while bilateral anterior disc displacement led to mandibular retrognathia [12, 13]. Our clinical observations using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have also shown a high prevalence of mandibular asymmetry in juveniles with unilateral anterior disc displacement, whereas the condylar growth on the affected side could be suppressed [14, 15].
During the last two decades, under the leadership of Prof. Yang, the surgeons of our department have been developing a combined Joint-Jaw-Occlusion (JJO) protocol, including examinations, diagnosis, and treatment procedures. Treatments targeting the TMJs include arthroscopic disc reposition and suturing [16, 17], disc reposition and anchorage with open surgery [18, 19], mandibular reposition therapy with splint, and joint reconstruction with a chondrocostal graft or artificial joint. Needless to say, manipulations of the joint always induce changes in occlusion and facial profile, and vice versa. To consolidate the result of TMJ surgical interventions, we applied occlusal treatment. Orthodontic methodologies are employed to solve occlusal problems prior or subsequent to TMJ interventions. Orthognathic and orthopedic treatments are also applied to moderate to severe jaw deformities in adults and adolescents, respectively.
1. Early stage disc displacement with reduction treated with anterior repositioning appliance
In 1976, L.A. Weinberg published an article discussing the use of a splint for the forward reposition of the mandible in order to resolve TMJ symptoms followed by permanent prosthesis to hold the mandible in this position [20]. With the development of arthrography in 1970s, the recognition of anterior disc displacement ignited the use of anterior repositioning splint (ARS) to “recapture” the disc [21, 22]. Subsequent to anterior repositioning splint-therapy, orthodontic treatments would be needed to maintain the splint position.
Cases of early stage anterior disc displacement with reduction with deep overjet, deep overbite and Class II relationship could be treated with anterior repositioning therapy which corrects the disc position relating to the condyle while achieving a Class I intermaxillary relationship. Therefore the patient with such indications would benefit in both TMJ symptoms and profile, and occlusion as well. In our department, functional appliances were also used to advance the mandible, including the Twin-Block, Herbst, Activator, and Forsus, etc., which were called, in combination with anterior repositioning splint, anterior repositioning appliance. Since 2009, our team has treated 163 cases of anterior disc displacement with reduction, involving 231 joints.
1.1. Anterior repositioning appliance without orthodontics
Sometimes, a stable Class I occlusion could be achieved at the end of the therapy and there would be no need for further orthodontics. For example, this case of right side anterior disc displacement with reduction was a 21-year-old patient, with Class II molar relationship on both sides.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
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Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
Fig. 23
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
Fig. 26
Fig. 27
Fig. 28
Fig. 29
Fig. 30
Fig. 31
Fig. 32
Fig. 33
Fig. 34
Fig. 35
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Fig. 38
Fig. 39
Fig. 40
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Fig. 42
Fig. 43
Fig. 44
Fig. 45
Fig. 46
Fig. 47
Fig. 48
Fig. 49
Fig. 50
Fig. 51
Fig. 52
Fig. 53
Fig. 54
Fig. 55
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Fig. 57
Fig. 58
Fig. 59
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Fig. 62
Fig. 63
Fig. 64
Fig. 65
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Fig. 70
Fig. 71
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Fig. 75
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Fig. 77
Fig. 78
Fig. 79
Fig. 80
Fig. 81
Fig. 82
Fig. 83
Fig. 84
Fig. 85
Fig. 86
Fig. 87
Fig. 1. MRI before treatment showed anterior disc displacement with reduction on the right side
Fig. 2. Lateral facial profile and lateral cephalometry
Fig. 3. Occlusion
For further diagnosis, a wax bite registration of the therapeutic mandibular position was made, and the patient was scheduled a MRI examination again wearing this bite registration to confirm a better disc-condyle relationship
Fig. 4. Diagnostic MRI wearing wax bite registration: it was confirmed that when the mandible was repositioned forward, a normal disc-condyle relationship was restored with a pronounced increase of the posterior joint space on both sides
An anterior repositioning splint was then fabricated according to the bite registration, and the patient was told to wear it 24 hours a day.
Fig. 5. Wearing the anterior repositioning splint
The anterior repositioning splint would be gradually ground to allow the lower molars and premolars to erupt. When the lower molars erupt to occlusal contact with the upper teeth, the anterior repositioning splint would be removed.
Fig. 6. Grinding of the anterior repositioning splint
Fig. 7. After removing of the anterior repositioning splint: molars and incisors contacted with the openbite on the premolar region and decreased the overbite and overjet
Fig. 8. MRI at the end of the therapy: normal disc-condyle relationship, slightly increased posterior space, and modification of both condyles
Fig. 9. Lateral facial profile and lateral cephalometry showed an improved lateral profile and an increased lower facial height
After one year of spontaneous adaptation, the mandible was finally seated and due to a Class I relationship and good interdigitation, the final result was quite stable.
Fig. 10. Final occlusion after 1 year follow-up
Fig. 11. MRI 1 year follow-up: bilateral normal disc-condyle relationship, even anterior and posterior space and the signal of the original cortical bone on the condyle surface is fading
Fig. 12. Summary of the joint and occlusal changes
To sum up, the indications should be chosen with great caution to achieve stable results. Otherwise, the relapse rate of such treatment would be very high. Establishing a Class I relationship with good interdigitation could be helpful for the stability of regained disc position.
1.2. Anterior repositioning appliance followed by orthodontics
When the occlusion could not be seated through spontaneous adaptation, however, a second phase of orthodontic treatment would be necessary to solve the subsequent problems. This case was a 22-year-old female patient who complained of clicking on both TMJs with Class II molar relationship and deep overbite/overjet, but at the same time, presented with an inclined left upper lateral incisor, which turned out to be an early contact when the mandible was advanced.
Fig. 13. MRI: bilateral anterior disc displacement with reduction
Fig. 14. Lateral facial profile and lateral cephalometry
Fig. 15. Original occlusion: Class II, deep overbite/overjet, upright upper incisors and inclined left upper incisor
The upper anteriors were aligned before the application of the mandibular advancement instrument.
Fig. 16. Upper anteriors were aligned first to eliminate occlusal interference, and Herbst appliance was then induced to move the mandible forward to a therapeutic position
One year passed before the appliance was removed to stable the disc position and allowed the condyle to remodel.
Fig. 17. After mandibular advancement: typical subsequential occlusal problems occured: the posterior openbite, with Class III molar relationship, multiple spaces in the upper arch, crowding in the lower arch, and very deep curve of Spee
Fig. 18. MRI at the end of Phase I showed positive results: normal disc-condyle relationship, slightly increased posterior space, and modification of both condyles
Brackets were then applied and Phase II started to seat the occlusion and stabilize the mandibular position.
Fig. 19. Application of brackets
Finally, Class I molar relationship and good interdigitation were achieved. The patient’s profile and occlusion were also improved through the protocol.
Fig. 20. MRI after the completed procedure
Fig. 21. The final lateral facial profile and lateral cephalometry
Fig. 22. Removal of the brackets
After the Herbst’s removal, 4 years had passed when the patient came for the follow-up. The result was still stable.
Fig. 23. Occlusion at the follow-up
Fig. 24. MRI examination at 4 years of the follow-up (after anterior repositioning therapy)
1.3. Anterior repositioning appliance as prosthesis or followed by prosthodontics
Elderly patients with the same condition, but with a lower remodeling potential of joints and occlusion, need to be treated with prosthodontics, or wearing anterior repositioning splint for a long term to maintain the mandibular position.
Fig. 25. An elderly female with bilateral anterior disc displacement with reduction
Fig. 26. MRI: disc displacement on both sides
Fig. 27. Class II relationship and deep overjet
A wax bite registration for MRI to confirm the disc repositioning was even more important because we planned for a less overcorrection when the therapeutic mandibular position was decided, due to the intention to ask the patient to wear her anterior repositioning splint for a long period.
Fig. 28. Diagnostic MRI wearing wax bite registration
A smaller, more comfortable splint was made to fit into the posterior openbite.
Fig. 29. Anterior repositioning splint on lower arch
Fig. 30. Follow-up MRI with/without anterior repositioning splint
The disc position is normal without wearing splint. However, no signs of remodeling were noticed. The joint space changed slightly when the splint was taken off. Therefore, we consider this kind of mandibular position to be highly unstable. The patient either chooses to wear the anterior repositioning splint for long term, or has to switch to fixed prosthesis to hold the mandible.
For patients with missing teeth, anterior repositioning splint could also be adapted with partial denture.
Fig. 31. Anterior repositioning splint with removable partial denture
2. Disc displacement treated surgically (open or endoscopic surgery) that combined the anterior repositioning appliance with/without orthodontics
To eliminate any mechanical interference due to TMJ internal derangements, disc reposition is a common procedure for patients at late stage of anterior disc displacement with reduction and anterior disc displacement without reduction. Various modified disc repositioning techniques have been described, including arthroscopic suturing techniques, but with unsatisfactory success rate and long-term stability [23–25].
In our department, therapeutic arthroscopy has been carried out for more than 30 years. A new arthroscopic disc repositioning and suturing technique was developed in 2001 [16]. An MRI evaluation of the short-term results has demonstrated a high success rate of 95.42% [17]. Bone anchorages were also used to fix the disc in open reduction surgeries since 2003 [18, 19].
Subsequent to the surgery, a slight posterior openbite could always be noticed, similar to the anterior repositioning therapy. We commonly applied elastics on the posterior teeth to close this openbite if it failed to adapt spontaneously at 3 months after the surgery. However, it was not long before our team realized that the cause of this phenomenon was the volume (especially thickness) of the disc which increased the posterior space and pushed the mandible downwards and forwards. Since the occlusion has already gradually adapted to the dislocated mandible (with a shorter vertical height and horizontal depth on the ipsilateral side) through a relatively long history of anterior disc displacement, it was only reasonable to witness an occlusal discrepancy after a sudden change of condyle position induce by the surgery. So it was better to keep this posterior openbite in order to relieve the pressure inside the capsule, let the attachments around the disc to heal and let the teeth to adapt. Moreover, studies have proved that with advancing the mandible forward, the disc on the other side actually moved backwards towards the fossa. This means that anterior repositioning appliance could also be applied after surgery in the situation of Class II malocclusion. It was a win-win situation that mandibular advancement after surgery promoted the stability of disc reposition, facial profile, and occlusion at the same time.
Since 2009, we have applied anterior repositioning appliance in 390 cases after arthroscopic disc repositioning and suturing, and 227 cases after disc reduction and anchorage performed by Prof. Yang.
2.1. Application of the Herbst appliance after arthroscopic disc repositioning
The following case was a 15 years old male, who had anterior disc displacement without reduction on the left side and anterior disc displacement with reduction on the right side.
Fig. 32. Diagnositic MRI wearing wax bite registration
Fig. 33. Deep overbite and deep overjet with Class II relationship
Fig. 34. Initial occlusion
The arthroscopic disc reposition was planned for anterior disc displacement without reduction, while the anterior disc displacement with reduction on the right side could be treated by anterior repositioning appliance after surgery.
Fig. 35. MRI: 2 weeks after left joint arthroscopic surgery
The Herbst was applied two week after the surgery. The disc on the right side was than captured, with posterior joint space increased on both sides.
Fig. 36. MRI after application of the Herbst appliance: disc was captured and normal disc-condyle relationship was restored. Meanwhile on the left side the disc was moving backwards relative to the condyle, thus consolidating the surgical reposition of the disc
Fig. 37. Occlusal change
The use of the Herbst appliance lasted for 10 months before the condyle remodeling took place and bilateral posterior joint spaces were almost filled.
Fig. 38. MRI after application of the Herbst: new bone formation could be seen on both sides
Fig. 39. After the Herbst treatment
Then the second phase of treatment began.
Fig. 40. Application of brackets
The whole procedure took 26 months.
Fig. 41. MRI: final bilateral normal disc position
Fig. 42. Improved overbite and overjet with Class I relationship
Fig. 43. Stable occlusion
The application of anterior repositioning appliance after TMJ disc reposition and suturing procedure surgery brings benefits in several ways: stabilization of the surgical outcome by creating of a condyle-forward, disc-backward movement; an early stage of anterior disc displacement with reduction could be corrected simultaneously with no extra cost to either the patient, or the dentist; and last but not least, the increased posterior space very soon after the surgical reposition or “recapture” of the disc seemed to be able to stimulate the condylar remodeling after puberty, even in young adults, as we presented in prior sections. Its mechanism and long term results should still be investigated further.
2.2. Application of the Herbst after open anchorage
The use of anterior repositioning splint or other anterior repositioning appliances after open anchorage shares the same mechanism.
Fig. 44. MRI: bilateral anterior disc displacement without reduction
Fig. 45. Deep overbite and overjet with Class II relationship
Fig. 46. Initial occlusion
Fig. 47. Anterior repositioning splint after surgery
Fig. 48. Phase II, orthodontic treatment
Fig. 49. MRI: the outcome
Fig. 50. The outcome
Fig. 51. Final occlusion
3. Orthodontics needed first: Class II division 2
Occlusal interference should be taken care of before surgery. The following case shows how certain malocclusion may jeopardize the joint health.
This 22 year-old female was referred to our clinic for pre-orthodontic examination in Nov. 2014 due to a Class II division 2 malocclusion.
Fig. 52. Pre-ortho MRI: normal disc-condyle relationship on the right side, slight anterior displacement on the left side without clinical symptoms
As MRI showed negative diagnosis, her dentist started his treatment by bonding the lower arch first and planned to extract upper first premolars since there has been a congenital missing lower incisor and crowding in the upper arch.
Fig. 53. After alignment of the lower arch
However, at 2.5 months into orthodontic treatment, she complained of pain in the right TMJ and limited mouth opening. Another MRI was then scheduled in Jan. 2015.
Fig. 54. Anterior disc displacement without reduction was detected on the right; with the left side almost the same as before
It has been acknowledged that Class II division 2 malocclusion is a highly significant relative risk factor for the onset of anterior disc displacement. Yet, it is extremely rare to capture such a procedure. Considering the mechanism behind this, it could only be deduced that the alignment of the lower dentition broadened the lower arch and increased the arch depth. Combined with the restriction of the upper arch (where most teeth were inclined), the mandible was passively pushed backward, as was the right condyle where the force concentrated, and the disc was squeezed forward.
In our opinion, in such cases it is vital to broaden the upper arch first. Thus, we removed the arch wire on the lower arch, and started to upright upper teeth so that the mandible could move forwards and downwards smoothly after the disc reposition.
Fig. 55. Upper teeth uprighted
Fig. 56. Anterior movement without interference
Fig. 57. Application of anterior repositioning splint after surgery
Fig. 58. Further advancing of the mandible forwards at 3 months after surgery
Fig. 59. After 1 year of anterior repositioning splint treatment: upper and lower teeth are aligned. The occlusion was stable with good interdigitation
Fig. 60. After the surgery with mandibular reposition: good disc position on the right side, and better disc position on the left side (without surgery)
Fig. 61. Normal disc-condyle relationship on both sides without wearing the anterior repositioning splint and a slight remodeling on the posterior slope of the left condyle could be seen
Fig. 62. Maintained esthetics of the lower part of the face, proved position of the lower lip
The TMJ and occlusion results were both satisfactory and the appliance could be removed (will be done on the next review).
This case proved that Class II division 2 malocclusion does increase the intracapsular stress and may lead to disc displacement. When dealing with this kind of patients, it is important to set the mandible “free” by broadening of the upper arch instead of restricting the lower dentition with inclined upper teeth.
We advanced the mandible forwards step by step for young adults whose potential of condyle remodeling were limited. Also, for patients with shortened discs, too much advancing the mandible forwards at once might separate the disc and the condyle, which is considered a hazard for the TMJ adaptation. Other occlusal interference, such as individual tooth malposition, arches width discrepancy, and scissors bite with a functional early contact should also be resolved as quickly as possible before surgery.
4. Severe oral-maxillo-facial deformities: TMJ and orthognathic surgery
Temporomandibular joint disorders and dentofacial deformities commonly coexist. Many of our patients were referred to by orthodontists and orthognathic surgeons (34.72%). Some moderate to severe deformities could not be corrected through conservative treatment. However, an unbalanced oral-facial force distribution might jeopardize the disc-condyle relationship, especially after surgery. It is better to restore normal facial morphology simultaneously with the joint surgery.
Since 2009, we have performed 15 simultaneous TMJ and orthognathic surgeries and 11 second-stage orthognathic surgeries following TMJ surgeries. The most common deformities that coexist with anterior disc displacement are facial asymmetry and mandibular retrognathia.
4.1. Facial asymmetry
A 19 years old female was referred to us by orthognathic surgeons due to joint form discrepancy between the ipsilateral and contralateral TMJs and severe mandibular deviation.
Fig. 63. Severe mandibular deviation
Fig. 64. Disc displacement on the left and the condyle were much smaller than at the right side
Fig. 65. Unbalanced occlusal relationship was also moticed
Fig. 66. The dentitions were aligned and decompensated
Fig. 67. Simulation of the orthognathic surgery
Arthroscopic disc reposition and suturing was performed together with bimaxillary orthognathics.
Fig. 68. Occlusion was ballanced
Fig. 69. Final occlusion
Fig. 70. Final profile
Fig. 71. MRI at half a year after the surgery: the disc is in a very stable position
4.2. Retrognathia
Case 1. Simultaneous arthroscopic disc reposition and orthognathics
A 24 years old female, whose chief complaint was losing anterior occlusion, was diagnosed bilateral anterior disc displacement without reduction, condylar resorption and mandibular retrognathia. She also presented with a typical “horizontal anterior openbite” which indicated a history of condylar resorption.
Fig. 72. Mandibular discrepancy with a large overjet, and 0 mm overbite
Fig. 73. This kind of occlusion rings a bell of condylar resorption
Fig. 74. MRI comfirmed our deduction
Fig. 75. Disc reposition was performed simultaneously to the mandibular bilateral sagittal split osteotomy of the ramus
Fig. 76. Lateral profile before, at 3 months after and 1 year after surgery
Fig. 77. Lateral ceph
Fig. 78. Improved intermaxillary relationship
Fig. 79. A good disc position and remodeling of the condyle
Case 2. Chondrocostal Graft and mandibular advancement
This 21 years old female also complained of having lost her anterior occlusion, whereby her chin was gradually moving backwards. She also started to snore for a short period. She had difficulties with closing her lips and breathed with her mouth during sleep.
None of the complaints, however, seemed to be related to TMJ internal derangements or any kind of TMJ disorders.
Fig. 80. Severe mandibular retrognathia
Fig. 81. Typical occlusion of condylar resorption: Class II molar relationship and anterior openbite
Fig. 82. MRI: bilateral disc displacement without reduction, severe disc deformities on both sides, and a very small, abnormally shaped condyle. Bone inflamation was seen all over the condylar head
MRI helped to reveal the true nature of her condition: anterior disc displacement without reduction, joint arthritis, and severe condylar resorption, which was accountable for ongoing mandibular retrusion.
For unsalvageable discs and condyles, chondrocostal graft was planned. The benefit was that bilateral sagittal split osteotomy of the ramus would no longer be needed because we could increase the posterior facial height with a rib graft and advance the mandible forwards.
Fig. 83. The large overjet was created before the surgery to provide a space for mandibular advancement
Fig. 84. The mandible was repositioned with the support of the chondrocostal graft
Fig. 85. Improved facial profile
Fig. 86. The final occlusion
Fig. 87. The profile at 3 years of the follow-up after the procedure was completed
Unilateral or bilateral TMJ reconstruction with chondrocostal graft or artificial joints provides us with an alternative for lower jaw orthognathic operations. Many patients with TMJ internal derangements needing joint reconstruction present with severe jaw deformities. With careful diagnosis and treatment plan design, an osteotomy could be avoided, as well as its complications, such as numbness of the lower lip.
By combining artificial TMJ prosthesis with maxillary orthognathic operation, extremely severe facial morphologic abnormalities can be resolved with promising long term stability.
Copyright (c) 2017 Yang C., He D., Chen M., Zhang S., Qiu Y., Zhang X., Ma Z., Xie Q., Shen P., Hu Y.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.