Вocavirus infection in children with acute gastroenteritis
- Authors: Krasnova E.I.1, Tyumentsev A.I.2, Tikunova N.V.2, Khokhlova N.I.1, Provorova V.V.1
- Novosibirsk State Medical University
- Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: Vol 45, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 40-47
- URL: https://almclinmed.ru/jour/article/view/473
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18786/2072-0505-2017-45-1-40-47
- ID: 473
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About the authors
E. I. Krasnova
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Email: krasnova-inf@rambler.ru
MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Chair of Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Pediatrics,
52 Krasnyy prospekt, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaya oblast', 630091
РоссияA. I. Tyumentsev
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Junior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology,
8 Akademika Lavrent'eva prospekt, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaya oblast', 630090
РоссияN. V. Tikunova
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Email: fake@neicon.ru
PhD, Doctor of Biol. Sci., Head of Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology,
8 Akademika Lavrent'eva prospekt, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaya oblast', 630090
РоссияN. I. Khokhlova
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Email: fake@neicon.ru
MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Chair of Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Pediatrics,
52 Krasnyy prospekt, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaya oblast', 630091
РоссияV. V. Provorova
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Email: fake@neicon.ru
MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Chair of Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Pediatrics,
52 Krasnyy prospekt, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaya oblast', 630091
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