- Authors: Zulkarnaev A.B.1, Vatazin A.V.1, Pasov S.A.1, Podojnicin A.A.1
- The State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow Area Moscows regional research clinical institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirskiy
- Issue: No 30 (2014)
- Pages: 91-98
- Section: LECTURE
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 296
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Over the past hundred years, understanding of the sepsis pathogenesis as well as approaches to its treatment has dramatically changed. Great importance is attached to circulating inflammatory mediators. The paper presents the modern concept of the sepsis pathogenesis, some types of extracorporeal therapy and describes the main hypotheses to explain the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the therapy.
About the authors
A. B. Zulkarnaev
The State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow Area Moscows regional research clinical institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirskiy
Author for correspondence.
A. V. Vatazin
The State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow Area Moscows regional research clinical institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirskiy
S. A. Pasov
The State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow Area Moscows regional research clinical institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirskiy
A. A. Podojnicin
The State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow Area Moscows regional research clinical institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirskiy
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