- Authors: Sukhanov S.G.1, Marchenko A.V.1, Myalyuk P.A.1, Arutyunyan V.B.1, Chragyan V.A.1, Demakova E.V.1, Vronskiy A.S.2
- Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
- Perm State Medical Academy named after academician E.A.Vagner
- Issue: No 38 (2015)
- Pages: 58-63
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 269
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Background: At present, coronary bypass graft (CABG) that was first introduced more than 45 years ago, is one of the most common types of surgeries in the world. Despite progress and improvements in myocardial revascularization techniques and methods aimed at higher safety of the intervention, postoperative cerebrovascular complications continue to be one of the most common problems.
Aim: To identify predictors of perioperative stroke in patients undergoing CABG.
Materials and methods: From January 2013 to December 2014, 2823 isolated CABG procedures have been done.
Results: All-cause in-hospital mortality after isolated CABG was 1.2% (n = 36). Perioperative strokes were diagnosed in 32 (1.1%) of patients. For subsequent analysis, we divided all patients into two groups. Group A included 32 patients who had a stroke in their postoperative period, group B comprised 2791 patients without severe cerebrovascular disorders. There were more female patients in group A, compared to group B (13/32 [40.6%] vs. 543/2791 [19.5%], respectively (р < 0.01)), more elderly patients (21 [65.6%] vs. 1251 [44.8%] (р < 0,05) above 60 years of age, and 9 [28.1%] vs. 348 [12.5%] (р < 0.05) above 70 years, respectively). In group B, the number of patients with atrial fibrillation was 244 (8.7%) vs. 7 (21.9%) in group A, the difference being statistically significant at р < 0.01. Among those with stroke, diabetes was found in 12 (37.5%) of patients, among those who did not have a stroke, in 212 (7.6%) (p < 0.01). Significant differences were found between numbers of patients with atherosclerosis of brachyocephalic arteries (17 [53.1%] in group A vs. 624 [22.4%] in group B, p < 0.01) and atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries (16 [50%] vs. 715 [25.6%] (p < 0.01), respectively.
Conclusion: The most significant prognostic factors affecting the risk of perioperative stroke are concomitant atherosclerosis of brachyocephalic arteries, of lower limb arteries, atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, as well as older age. Severe cerebrovascular events were significantly more frequent in females.
About the authors
S. G. Sukhanov
Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
MD, PhD, Professor, Chief Physician
РоссияA. V. Marchenko
Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
MD, PhD, Deputy Chief Physician
РоссияP. A. Myalyuk
Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
Author for correspondence.
Cardiovascular Surgeon
РоссияV. B. Arutyunyan
Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
PhD, Cardiovascular Surgeon
РоссияV. A. Chragyan
Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
PhD, Cardiovascular Surgeon
РоссияE. V. Demakova
Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
PhD, neurologist Россия
A. S. Vronskiy
Perm State Medical Academy named after academician E.A.Vagner
Student Россия
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