- Authors: Eliseev Y.V.1
- Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)
- Issue: No 39 (2015)
- Pages: 136-139
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 248
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Fourteen percent of all ischemic strokes occur in young patients (< 45 years). One of the causes of ischemic stroke in young patients is the isolated cerebral arteritis related to a neuroinfection. The author describes a clinical case of ischemic stroke in a young patient with neurosyphilis. Diagnosis of syphilis was confirmed by laboratory investigations; liquor tests and clinical data allowed to put a diagnosis of meningovascular syphilis. Timely diagnostics and treatment of syphilitic infection are helpful in avoiding progression of neurosyphilis, including its parenchymal forms.
About the authors
Yu. V. Eliseev
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)
Author for correspondence.
Junior Research Fellow, Department of Neurology
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