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Background: Evaluation of prevalence and degree of control of leading risk factors for stroke among population of various regions of the Russian Federation enables rational planning of preventive activities.

Aim: To analyze prevalence of the leading stroke risk factors, to assess efficacy of their control and to determine their impact on outcomes.

Materials and methods: We examined and treated 129 patients with primary and repeated cerebral accidents living in a small town of the Moscow region.

Results: The most prevalent stroke risk factor was arterial hypertension (94.6%). During 6 months before the stroke, target levels of systolic blood pressure had been achieved in 36/122 patients with arterial hypertension and those of diastolic blood pressure, in 4/122 patients. During the last 2 years preceding the index stroke, 48.8% of patients had hypertensive crises. More than half of the patients (71/122) either had not been taking their antihypertensive medications, or had not taken them regularly. There was a positive correlation between duration of arterial hypertension and degree of stroke-related disability, assessed by NIHSS (r = 0.263, p = 0.003), as well as between duration of arterial hypertension and functional activity index on Rankin scale at manifestation of stroke (r = 0.268, p = 0.003). Other prevalent risk factors were smoking (51.9% of patients), alcohol use (67.44%), diabetes mellitus (23.26%). Hypercholesterolemia that was diagnosed in 102/129 of the stroke patients, did not significantly affect any parameter of stroke severity (p > 0.05). There were weak positive correlations between body mass index and difference in NIHSS scores at admission and at discharge (r = 0.204, p = 0.049), between body mass and difference in NIHSS scores at admission and at discharge (r = 0.227, p = 0.028), as well as between body mass and difference in Rankin scale scores at admission and at discharge (r = 0.247, p = 0.016). Chronic stress situation (depression) during time period preceding the stroke was found in 37.21% of patients, but this factor had no statistically significant influence on stroke severity and outcome (p > 0.05).

Conclusion: Among patients with stroke living in a small town of the Moscow region, the most significant factors affecting severity of stroke were arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity. An insufficient control of arterial hypertension and low compliance to treatment were found.

About the authors

V. V. Kozyaykin

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)

Author for correspondence.

Postgraduate Student, Chair of Neurology, Postgraduate Training Faculty

Russian Federation

E. V. Isakova

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)


MD, PhD, Professor; Senior Research Fellow, Department of Neurology; Chair of Neurology, Postgraduate Training Faculty

Russian Federation

Yu. V. Eliseev

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)


Junior Research Fellow, Department of Neurology

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2015 Kozyaykin V.V., Isakova E.V., Eliseev Y.V.

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