- Authors: Antipova E.V.1,2, Filippenko V.A.1,2, Kuznetsova E.V.1,2, Fabrikova E.A.1,2, Davidovich D.L.1,2, Solomka A.Y.1,2
- City Clinical Hospital No. 24 of the Moscow City Health Department
- 10 Pistsovaya ul., Moscow, 127015, Russian Federation
- Issue: No 34 (2014)
- Pages: 96-99
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 197
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About the authors
E. V. Antipova
City Clinical Hospital No. 24 of the Moscow City Health Department; 10 Pistsovaya ul., Moscow, 127015, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
MD, PhD, the Head of the Coloproctology diagnostic department Россия
V. A. Filippenko
City Clinical Hospital No. 24 of the Moscow City Health Department; 10 Pistsovaya ul., Moscow, 127015, Russian Federation
the Head of the Admission and Diagnostic Department Россия
E. V. Kuznetsova
City Clinical Hospital No. 24 of the Moscow City Health Department; 10 Pistsovaya ul., Moscow, 127015, Russian Federation
coloproctologist, Coloproctology diagnostic department Россия
E. A. Fabrikova
City Clinical Hospital No. 24 of the Moscow City Health Department; 10 Pistsovaya ul., Moscow, 127015, Russian Federation
coloproctologist, Coloproctology diagnostic department Россия
D. L. Davidovich
City Clinical Hospital No. 24 of the Moscow City Health Department; 10 Pistsovaya ul., Moscow, 127015, Russian Federation
MD, PhD, coloproctologist, Coloproctology diagnostic department Россия
A. Ya. Solomka
City Clinical Hospital No. 24 of the Moscow City Health Department; 10 Pistsovaya ul., Moscow, 127015, Russian Federation
coloproctologist, Coloproctology diagnostic department Россия
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