- Authors: Beljakova S.V.1,2, Belousova E.A.3,4
- Orekhovo-Zuevo Central City Hospital
- 13 Baryshnikova ul., Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow Region, 142611, Russian Federation
- Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)
- 61/2 Shchepkina ul., Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation
- Issue: No 33 (2014)
- Pages: 64-70
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 153
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Background: In the past decade, incidence of chronic pancreatitis among different age groups has been growing globally and in Russia. Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive disease characterized by development of complications and decrease of exocrine function of pancreas. Treatment should be initiated early, before the complications occur; therapy should account for international experience and established Russian guidelines. Continuous usage of high-dose enzyme preparations preferably in modern dosage forms (microgranules, minimicrospheres or microtablets) is one of the key principles in the management of chronic pancreatitis. Patient’s cooperative behavior and good compliance is crucial for achieving treatment targets. Aim: To assess treatment compliance among patients with chronic pancreatitis in the Moscow Region and to identify sources of information on the disease used by the patients. Materials and methods: One hundred patients with chronic pancreatitis in Moscow Region were questionnaired anonymously on their adherence to the medical recommendations for diet, alcohol consumption and medications, particularly enzyme preparations. Patients’ sources of information on the disease were also determined. Results: Poor compliance results were shown: only 28% of patients were fully adherent to medical recommendations; other patients took their medications irregularly, changed drug doses or preparations choosing less expensive and effective drugs. The majority of patients (89%) were aware of the main treatment principles, though, 53% didn’t adhere to them. Patients used varied sources of information on the disease including special literature and the web; nevertheless, the information could be incorrectly understood. Only some patients received disease-related information from their physician, and many of the patients described physician-derived information as insufficient. As a result, treatment was often inadequate. Conclusion: Improved patients’ compliance is a crucial factor in achieving treatment targets in chronic pancreatitis. Two-way interventions are needed: 1. training of physicians in the disease field and in presenting clear and correct information to patients. 2. multimodal patients’ education.
About the authors
S. V. Beljakova
Orekhovo-Zuevo Central City Hospital; 13 Baryshnikova ul., Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow Region, 142611,Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
physician-gastroenterologist, Orekhovo-Zuevo Central City Hospital Россия
E. A. Belousova
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI); 61/2 Shchepkina ul., Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation
MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Head of the Chair of Gastroenterology, the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education, MONIKI; Principal Gastroenterologist of the Moscow Region
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