- Authors: Makeeva E.I.1,2, Oskolа E.V.1,2, Shubinа A.T.1,2, Karpov Y.A.1,2
- Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex (RCRPC)
- 15а 3-Cherepkovskaya ul., Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation
- Issue: No 32 (2014)
- Pages: 80-88
- URL: https://almclinmed.ru/jour/article/view/139
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18786/2072-0505-2014-32-80-88
- ID: 139
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Diabetes mellitus is an important problem for every country in the world. The type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) enables development of atherosclerosis and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Blood glucose control has been shown to be the most relevant factor for the prevention of the cardiovascular complications in T2DM patients. The cardiovascular protective effect of oral antidiabetic drugs is still under investigation. In this respect, we concern to be prospective the innovative oral hypoglycaemic agents such as the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors.
About the authors
E. I. Makeeva
Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex (RCRPC); 15а 3-Cherepkovskaya ul., Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Email: lenokmma@mail.ru
postgraduate student of the Angiology Department, Institute of Clinical Cardiology, RCRPC Россия
E. V. Oskolа
Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex (RCRPC); 15а 3-Cherepkovskaya ul., Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation
Email: fake@neicon.ru
postgraduate student of the Angiology Department, Institute of Clinical Cardiology, RCRPC Россия
A. T. Shubinа
Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex (RCRPC); 15а 3-Cherepkovskaya ul., Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation
Email: fake@neicon.ru
MD, PhD, researcher of the Angiology Department, Institute of Clinical Cardiology, RCRPC
РоссияYu. A. Karpov
Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex (RCRPC); 15а 3-Cherepkovskaya ul., Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation
Email: fake@neicon.ru
MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Angiology Department, Institute of Clinical Cardiology; the First Deputy Director General, RCRPC; Deputy Director General for science, RCRPC
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