- Authors: Tsoy U.A.1,2, Korostovtseva L.S.1,2, Sviryaev Y.V.1,2, Semenov A.P.1,2, Vaulina D.A.3,4, Kravchenko S.O.3,4, Konradi A.O.1,2, Grineva E.N.1,2
- Almazov Federal Medical Research Centre (Almazov FMRC)
- 2 Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341, Russian Federation
- First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg (Pavlov FSPSMU)
- 6-8 L’va Tolstogo ul., Saint Petersburg, 197022, Russian Federation
- Issue: No 32 (2014)
- Pages: 36-42
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 130
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Background: Obstructive sleep disordered breathing or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common respiratory impairment in acromegaly. OSA is bound up with heightened cardiovascular mortality. Aim: Тo study frequency, features, and structure of sleep disordered breathing in patients with newly diagnosed acromegaly and to elucidate the factors influencing their development. Materials and methods: 38 patients (10 men, 28 women, median age 53 (28-76) years, median body mass index (BMI) 29 (19.9-44.3) kg/m²) with newly diagnosed acromegaly were recruited into the study. All subjects underwent full polysomnography (Embla N7000, Natus, USA) and Remlogica software (USA). Results: Sleep disordered breathing was found in 28 (73.7%) patients. OSA was revealed in all cases, in 11 (39.3%) subjects it was mixed. In 10 (35.7%) patients OSA was mild, in 8 (28.6%) moderate, and in 10 (35.7%) severe. BMI (р<0.01), disease duration (р=0.003), and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) level (р=0.04) were different in patients without OSA and patients with moderate-to-severe OSA. No difference was found in sex (р=0.4), age (р=0.064), and growth hormone level (р=0.6). Frequency of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and other glucose metabolism impairments was the same in subjects without OSA and with severe-to-moderate OSA. Conclusion: All patients with newly diagnosed acromegaly should undergo polysomnography. BMI, disease duration, and IGF-1 level are significant risk factors for OSA development. Correlation OSA with arterial hypertension and glucose metabolism impairments needs to be further investigated.
About the authors
U. A. Tsoy
Almazov Federal Medical Research Centre (Almazov FMRC); 2 Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
MD, PhD, leading researcher of the Institute of Endocrinology, Almazov FMRC Россия
L. S. Korostovtseva
Almazov Federal Medical Research Centre (Almazov FMRC); 2 Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341, Russian Federation
MD, PhD, researcher of the Laboratory of Pathogenesis and Therapy of Arterial Hypertension, Almazov FMRC Россия
Yu. V. Sviryaev
Almazov Federal Medical Research Centre (Almazov FMRC); 2 Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341, Russian Federation
MD, PhD, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Pathogenesis and Therapy of Arterial Hypertension, Almazov FMRC Россия
A. P. Semenov
Almazov Federal Medical Research Centre (Almazov FMRC); 2 Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341, Russian Federation
Physician of the Cardiologic Department No.2, junior researcher of the Laboratory of Pathogenesis and Therapy of Arterial Hypertension, Almazov FMRC
РоссияD. A. Vaulina
First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg (Pavlov FSPSMU); 6-8 L’va Tolstogo ul., Saint Petersburg, 197022, Russian Federation
physician-intern, Pavlov FSPSMU Россия
S. O. Kravchenko
First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg (Pavlov FSPSMU); 6-8 L’va Tolstogo ul., Saint Petersburg, 197022, Russian Federation
physician-intern, Pavlov FSPSMU
РоссияA. O. Konradi
Almazov Federal Medical Research Centre (Almazov FMRC); 2 Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341, Russian Federation
MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Research Department of Arterial Hypertension, Deputy Director for research work, Almazov FMRC
РоссияE. N. Grineva
Almazov Federal Medical Research Centre (Almazov FMRC); 2 Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341, Russian Federation
MD, PhD, Professor, Director of the Institute of Endocrinology, Almazov
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