Anatomical and ultrasound navigation of intra joint injections
- Authors: Knyazeva L.A.1, Damjanov N.2, Knyazeva L.I.1, Khardikova E.M.1, Meshcherina N.S.1, Stepchenko M.A.1, Goryainov I.I.1
- Kursk State Medical University
- University of Belgrade
- Issue: Vol 47, No 5 (2019)
- Pages: 454-460
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1134
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About the authors
L. A. Knyazeva
Kursk State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Larisa A. Knyazeva – MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1
3 K. Marksa ul., Kursk, 305041
РоссияN. Damjanov
University of Belgrade
Nemanja Damjanov – MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine; Director, Institute of Rheumatology, School of Medicine
1 Studentski trg, Belgrade, 11000
L. I. Knyazeva
Kursk State Medical University
Larisa I. Knyazeva – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1
3 K. Marksa ul., Kursk, 305041
РоссияE. M. Khardikova
Kursk State Medical University
Elena M. Khardikova – MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Internal Diseases No. 1
3 K. Marksa ul., Kursk, 305041
РоссияN. S. Meshcherina
Kursk State Medical University
Natalia S. Meshcherina – MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Internal Diseases No. 1
3 K. Marksa ul., Kursk, 305041
РоссияM. A. Stepchenko
Kursk State Medical University
Marina A. Stepchenko – MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1
3 K. Marksa ul., Kursk, 305041
РоссияI. I. Goryainov
Kursk State Medical University
Igor I. Goryainov – MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1
3 K. Marksa ul., Kursk, 305041
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