Surgical repair of the moderately dilated ascending aorta combined with bicuspid aortic valve replacement
- Authors: Uspenskiy V.E.1, Malev E.G.1, Gavriliuk N.D.1, Salavatov B.K.1, Ermolov S.A.2, Cvetkova J.V.1, Malashicheva A.B.1, Gordeev M.L.1
- Almazov National Medical Research Centre
- Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 47, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 299-309
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1096
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Background: Ascending aortic (AA) dilatation is common in patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). In BAV replacement, surgery of the AA is indicated in the case if AA diameter exceeds 45 mm. Aortic valve replacement combined with an AA intervention is associated with increased risk of complications. The feasibility of the reduction ascending aortoplasty for correction of the dilated AA remains disputable.
Aim: To analyze the results of BAV surgical replacement with simultaneous surgical correction of the borderline AA dilatation (45-50 mm) by the reduction aortoplasty (RAP) or supracoronary AA replacement (SPR).
Materials and methods: This single center prospective non-randomized study included 53 patients with significant BAV stenosis and AA dilatation (45-50 mm), divided into 2 groups: BAV surgical replacement combined with RAP AA replacement (group 1, 36 patients) and BAV replacement with SPR (group 2, 17 patients). There were no significant differences between the patients of the two groups in their characteristics of the underlying disease, complications and comorbidities.
Results: Hospital mortality was 0%. No between-group differences in the early postoperative course were found. At later term, 44 (81.5%) patients were assessed; median (dispersion) of the follow-up was 36 (25; 50) months. Two patients from the group 2 died during the follow-up. The long-term survival was better in the group 1 (p = 0.028). No differences in the combined adverse event rate were observed between the groups (p = 0.633). The median (dispersion) of the AA absolute increment and the rate of dilatation after RAP were 1.0 (0.0; 3.0) mm and 0.24 (0.00; 0.95) mm/year, respectively. The predictor of AA increment rate ≥ 2 mm/year was the baseline blood pressure level (odds ratio 1.321, 95% confidence interval 1.050-1.662; p=0.017). The threshold preoperative blood pressure value for the increased risk of the long-term AA expansion rate was 138 mmHg.
Conclusion: The efficacy and safety of RAP and SRP combined with BAV replacement in AA borderline dilatation are similar. Combined BAV surgery and RAP is effective and safe in patients with systolic blood pressure level ≤ 135 mmHg. Combined BAV replacement with SRP seems reasonable in patients with arterial hypertension.
About the authors
V. E. Uspenskiy
Almazov National Medical Research Centre
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7929-0594
Vladimir E. Uspenskiy - MD, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Valvular and Ischemic Heart Disease, ResearcherlD: R-4965-2016.
2A Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341, Tel.: +7 (921) 744 22 89
РоссияE. G. Malev
Almazov National Medical Research Centre
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6168-8895
Eduard G. Malev – MD, PhD, Leading Research Fellow, Laboratory of Connective Tissue Disorders
2A Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341
РоссияN. D. Gavriliuk
Almazov National Medical Research Centre
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8084-3072
Natalia D. Gavriliuk – MD, Research Fellow, Laboratory of Cardiomyopathy
2A Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341
РоссияB. K. Salavatov
Almazov National Medical Research Centre
Bulat K. Salavatov – MD, Postgraduate Student in Cardiovascular Surgery
2A Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341
РоссияS. A. Ermolov
Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
Serafim A. Ermolov – Student, Medical Faculty
6–8 L'va Tolstogo ul., Saint Petersburg, 197022
РоссияJe. V. Cvetkova
Almazov National Medical Research Centre
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7809-0614
Jekaterina V. Cvetkova – Clinical Intern in Cardiovascular Surgery
2A Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341
РоссияA. B. Malashicheva
Almazov National Medical Research Centre
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0820-2913
Anna B. Malashicheva – PhD (in Biology), Head of Laboratory of Molecular Cardiology
2A Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341
РоссияM. L. Gordeev
Almazov National Medical Research Centre
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9031-6655
Mikhail L. Gordeev – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
2A Akkuratova ul., Saint Petersburg, 197341
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